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Simple Email Marketing Tips to improve your Campaigns

Simple Email Marketing Tips to improve your Campaigns
Practicing good inbound marketing means sending emails to people who actually want to hear from you. But oftentimes, your emails still end up getting lost in the inbox clutter — or worse, in the spam folder. And then, when someone actually opens your email, they don’t actually click through. Here are some tips to improve your campaigns. 1) Abide by CAN-SPAM rules. CAN-SPAM (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing) is an act that was passed in 2003. Essentially, it’s a law that establishes the rules for commercial email and commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have a business stop emailing them, and outlines the penalties incurred for those who violate the law. 2) Email new contacts within 24 hours. It’s important to take advantage of the window of opportunity when your company or brand is at the top of your prospects’ minds. If you don’t have any automated email workflows set up, you’re likely missing out on some major opportunities to nurture and engage your existing contacts. 3) Send your email from a real person, not a generic email. When you send email from a real person, your email open rate increases. Plain and simple. This is because — based on past tests we’ve conducted — recipients are typically more likely to trust a personalized sender name and email address than a generic one. People are so inundated with spam nowadays, they often hesitate to open email from unfamiliar senders — and they’re more likely to trust a personalized sender name and email address than a generic one. 4) Pre-set the preview text. Email clients like the iPhone Mail app, Gmail, and Outlook will display the first few lines of text from the body of your email alongside the subject line. In other words, it’s a text preview of the content inside the email. The exact amount of text shown depends on the email client and user settings. 5) Write clear and clickable subject lines. Speaking of the subject line … your marketing emails have a lot to compete with in recipients’ inboxes. The best way to stand out is to write compelling, “can’t-help-but-click-on-this” subject lines.
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